One-On-One 12-Week Coaching
$1200 USD
Personalized Training Split via TrueCoach
Personalized Macros w/Changes
Weekly 20 Minute Check-In Calls for the First Eight Weeks then Monthly as Needed
Form Feedback on Uploaded Lifts
Access to Your Coach via TrueCoach 6 days a week
Private Facebook Group w/Michelle & The Coaches
Group Calls w/Michelle & The Coaches
Michelle’s Programming & Methods
Ready To Transform Your Life?
Client Expectations
- Training 5 Days a Week on Weights w/Your Customized Programming
- Tracking Your Progress by Submitting Your Weight, Hip, Waist, and Thigh Measurement Daily
- Planning & Tracking All Your Meals in MyMacros+
- Submitting Workout Videos for Individual Form Feedback
- Participating in TWW’s Vibrant Community Through Weekly Coaching Calls & Facebook Page
- Attending Your Private One on One, 20 Minute Check-In w/Your Coach
- Participating in TWW’s Weekly Progress Collage
- Reading Gay Hendrick’s, The Big Leap and Uncovering Your Barrier Story w/ Your Coach
- Completing Weekly Homework Assignments & Learning w/Your Coach on TWW’s Curriculum